About Gull Lake Virtual Partnership
A Few Guidelines...
We serve grades K-12.
You must live in Gull Lake School District, Kalamazoo County or a school district in the contiguous counties of, VanBuren, St. Joseph, Allegan, Barry, and Calhoun.
If you are not in any of the above counties listed YOU CAN JOIN Just get a release from your resident school district.
Share-time students MAY NOT take core classes. Courses through the partnership may offer many styles of delivering information.
General Guidelines
Our general guidelines are the things that we need you, as a part of the GLVP to do:
- complete the courses you select
- evaluate early whether a course is a fit for your child - changes need to be requested in writing and prior to Count Day
Dual Enrollment Guidelines
- The student must be enrolled in at least 1 concurrent course
- The student must be in at least 9th grade.
- Gull Lake Community Schools will pay the amount allowed under the Post Secondary Options Act directly to the post-secondary institution only. The student will be billed directly for any amount above what is allowed.
- The cost of any tuition, fees, parking, books/supplies or other costs that are ABOVE the amount allowed under the post-secondary Options Act are your responsibility and will not be paid by Gull Lake Schools.
- The student must attend and complete the course with a passing grade.
- The student must attend and complete their concurrent course.
Is there a limit to the number of classes a student can take?
Yes. - Students can take up to 4 courses as a part-time/share-time student (.75), or 6 courses as a full-time student. The courses can be a combination of Partnership, Gull Lake traditional, dual enrollment, EFE/EFA, and Gull Lake virtual courses.